Betsy had a fun 4th birthday at the Cookerydoo, a cooking and crafts spot on Roncesvales. It is a lovely space that uses the front and back areas really well to prepare, bake, offer up the next craft and keep things nicely moving along. There is lots of space for parents or other aged kids to hang out in whatever area is not the centre of attention for the party. Betsy's Mom was very happy, her words later. Here's how the bash rolled out. Betsy started with rolling and squishing sugar cookie dough in the kitchen.

We then hung out at the work tables in the front and decorated cake boxes (that the sugar cookies were put into to take home) while the work area was cleaned.

Meanwhile the kitchen was preparing toasted cheese sandwiches and fries and its a good thing Mom had her funky shoes on because things really start to move. 
We were lead back into the work area with a little game of tippy toe quiet to build up excitement for the snacks and then there was a little free for all toasted cheese and chips. When the kiddies had left their food, the big moment, a very pretty purple cake appeared wrapped in a pink boa with star candles and feather sticks for Betsy. After the candles were smoking, the cake icing sugar was all rolled off to avoid the sugar and the cake refrosted to serve. And it was deliciously moist. Bonus!
Here is Momma and Mia hanging out in the front during the lunch snack. Seems like Cookerydoo is doing something special turning quality family moments into fun creative adventures in the kitchen with an easy going and well organized team. Cindy, the birthday girl's mom, gave Cookerydoo the big thumbs up: It was awewsome, they were fun, professional and very easy to work with. One of the teachers has experience with kids with special needs and they were sensitive to Betsy's hearing sensitivity and kept the music low until Betsy wanted it louder. And Cookerydoo is SavvyMom approved.