Pamela Stein and Jonathan Blumberg are overjoyed to welcome their second daughter Mia Ruby, born Tuesday June 21, 2006 at 5:50am weighing 6lbs 6 ozs. Mia is welcomed by Bubby Lorna, Granny Marcia, Grampy Henry, great grandmother Bertha Klar and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Mia is named in loving memory of her great grandparents Ruth Stein and Mayer Sacks. We welcome Sasha's sister into a world filled with love.
Where o where did the time go? Mia is now a walking baby-talking toddler with the sweetest nature and a great appetite for all things editable and bangable.
Posted by
Sasha Bella Forever
9:15 PM
mama mia! look at you go!
auntie jessie
Mia is so beautiful!!! God Bless!!!
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